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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair

At Aesthetic Couture Medical Spa, we understand that personal beauty is an essential part of self-care. That's why we offer a comprehensive approach towards beauty, with laser hair removal. You can say goodbye to tedious and painful waxing sessions, as we provide state-of-the-art laser technology such as the Aerolase Neo Elite which offers patients a uniquely pain-free and gentle way to get rid of any unwanted hair. Say goodbye to hair and hello to smooth and silky skin. 

Laser Hair Removal


The Aerolase laser has been proven effective for patients of any skin type (FST 1-6).

During laser hair removal, the hair must be in its growing phase in order to be successfully destroyed. To ensure that all hair is effectively removed during the growing phase, you will receive a series of treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart. This will successfully ensure maximum results

Six laughing women of a different race, age, and figure type. Group of multiracial females

How does Aerolase work for skin of color?

The Neo is able to safely treat skin of color patients by using laser energy that can pass through the epidermis so quickly that it does not have time to overheat the epidermal melanocytes, thus avoiding the pigmentary risk associated with most laser systems.


With Neo, not only is the treatment safer and much more pleasant than any other laser on the market, but it is also more efficacious, delivering the sought-after result with a lesser number of treatments thanks to its unique blend of high-powered yet gentle laser pulses.

Packages & Pricing

Aesthetic Couture Medical Spa

Small Area

Includes: upper lip, chin, side burns, or eyebrows

(6) sessions per area

Aesthetic Couture Medical Spa

Medium Area

Includes: armpits, forearms arms, upper arms, or bikini

(6) sessions per area

Aesthetic Couture Medical Spa

Large Area

Includes: chest, back, legs (half or full), or Brazilian

(6) sessions each per area


1 / How Many Sessions Do I Need?

This can vary depending on the skin and hair color but generally 6-10 sessions are required for 80% clearance for greater which is considered very good anesthetic laser medicine after that and your maintenance treatment is recommended 

2 / How Often Should Treatments Be Completed?

​For laser hair removal it is recommended that one treatment can be completed every 4 to 8 weeks depending on the area being treated

3 / Do I Need To Shave Before The Appointment

The patient should shave 2 to 3 days before the procedure leaving small stubble of hair but no longer. 

Do not wax, or pluck hairs, so the shaft and follicle are intact and therefore efficacy is not compromised 

Call Now To Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation!

(336) 708-3769

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